=== AntiVirus === Contributors: stalkerX Tags: antivirus, virus, antispam, spam, scanner Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: trunk AntiVirus for WordPress is a smart and effective solution to protect your blog against exploits and spam injections == Description == *AntiVirus for WordPress* is a smart and effective solution to protect your blog against exploits and spam injections. AntiVirus protection for your blog. = Features = * WordPress 3.x ready: Design as well as technical * **Detect the current [WordPress permalink back door](http://mashable.com/2009/09/05/wordpress-attack/ "WordPress permalink back door")** * Quick & Dirty: activate, check, done! * Manual testing with immediate result of the infected files * Daily automatic check with email notification * Whitelist: Mark the suspicion as "No virus" * Clean up after uninstall the plugin * English, German, Italian, Persian, Russian = Documentation = * [Plugin documentation in german](http://playground.ebiene.de/1577/antivirus-wordpress-plugin/ "AntiVirus for WordPress") * [Follow us on Twitter for updates](http://twitter.com/wpSEO "wpSEO on Twitter") * [Other author plugins](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile/stalkerx "Other author plugins") * [Plugin page](http://wpantivirus.com "WPAntiVirus.com") * [Author page](http://ebiene.de "Author page") == Changelog == = 0.9 = * Changes for the current WordPress virus = 0.8 = * Support for WordPress 3.0 * System requirements: WordPress 2.7 * Code optimization = 0.7 = * Advanced templates check = 0.6 = * WordPress 2.9 support = 0.5 = * Add security scan for the current [WordPress permalink back door](http://mashable.com/2009/09/05/wordpress-attack/ "WordPress permalink back door") * Software architecture changes = 0.4 = * Adds support for WordPress new changelog readme.txt standard * Various changes for more speed, usability and security = 0.3 = * Add alternate e-mail address (admin e-mail address as default) * Admin notice on dashboard where it has found the virus suspicion * Added blog URL in e-mail * WordPress 2.8 support * Check for hidden iframes * Bugfix for IE problem with box positions * Cleanup the source code * Language support for Persian = 0.2 = * Whitelist: Mark the suspicion as "No virus" * Improving the output formatting * Add WPlize library for option data * Language support for Italian = 0.1 = * AntiVirus for WordPress goes online == Screenshots == 1. WordPress AntiVirus settings == Installation == 1. Download *AntiVirus* plugin 1. Unzip the archive 1. Upload the folder *antivirus* into *../wp-content/plugins/* 1. Go to tab *Plugins* 1. Activate *AntiVirus* 1. Edit settings 1. Ready